WhatsApp Learning Group 2022 – Lessons from Marafa, Kenya

This video series offers an introduction to community-led child protection approaches and shares lessons from Ken and Joathem, two experienced facilitators who work in Marafa, Kenya. Follow along with the weekly video series to learn about key principles and skills for community-led child protection approaches, and use the weekly worksheets to reflect on how you could use these approaches in your own child protection work.

Join the WhatsApp learning group and receive the content straight to your phone. Just send a message to +27 787 458 832

Watch Viva Marafa! for a snapshot of a community protecting its children.

Read the background and introduction to the action research in Marafa, Kenya.

What to expect

Every week you will receive a short video and worksheet on your phone.

Each week focuses on a key consideration or skill required for a community-led child protection approach.

Each video comes with a worksheet that you can use for self-reflection or you might decide to form your own reflection group in your office, or your own WhatsApp group. You can invite colleagues to join this group even after the start date.

If you have questions, comments or other things you’d like to share, you are welcome to send them to Lucy. She will answer as many questions as possible and share her answers, your comments and other resources with the group (anonymously). This will include inviting you all to provide input on other participants questions from time to time to learn from diverse perspectives.

Rules of engagement

This group is a broadcast list so you will not see other people’s contact details or who is on the group. You can message Lucy directly of you’d like to share something with the whole group.

You can share any of the content you receive (videos, worksheets and stories) with your colleagues or other people who may be interested.

This group is a safe space. We are all here to learn so feel free to share opinions and ask questions. All questions are good questions!

This learning group is time-bound and will finish the week of 22 May 2022.

You can leave the group at any time for any reason simply by clicking on the Exchange WhatsApp profile then ‘edit’ then ‘delete contact’. Alternatively, ask Lucy to remove you.

We will never share your contact details with anyone for any purpose. We will keep your contact details for future announcements after this group has finished. If you’d like us to delete your details please let Lucy know.

[email protected]



1. Introduction to community-led child protection approaches (release date: 28 March 2022)

2. Being a facilitator (release date: 4 April 2022)

3. Being humble and respectful (release date: 11 April 2022)

4. Enabling inclusive dialogue (release date: 18 April 2022)

5. Deep listening (release date: 25 April 2022)

6. Managing non-violent conflict (release date: 2 May 2022)

7. Building community consensus (release date: 9 May 2022)



1. Video Worksheet: Introduction to community-led child protection approaches (release date: 28 March 2022)

2. Video Worksheet: Being a facilitator (release date: 4 April 2022)

3. Video Worksheet: Being humble and respectful (release date: 11 April 2022)

4. Video Worksheet: Enabling inclusive dialogue (release date: 18 April 2022)

5. Video Worksheet: Deep listening (release date: 25 April 2022)

6. Video Worksheet: Managing non-violent conflict (release date: 2 May 2022)

7. Video Worksheet: Building community consensus (release date: 9 May 2022)